Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Botanical Garden

The Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden in Johannesburg


Dragon Fly

This little guy, was happily chilling outside my door, from Wednesday afternoon until Thursday morning, I'm not too sure why, but I didn't complain. I Imagine he was probably waiting for the rain to pass so he could dry his wings.

Queen Of the Night

I have a massive cactus growing in my yard, it started off as the tiniest thing, the size of my hand, that my brother gave me,now it's atleast 1.5 metres high, and covered in sprouts, this is the first of it's flowers so far. It's also the first time I have ever seen it flower, in the five years I've had it. It always chose to flower when I was out of the country, and always on New years Eve...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

The beautiful smell of sunshine

The Greatest thing about South Africa is that summer always comes early. I took these photos at The Reading Country in Johannesburg. The bowls area is drowning in a mixture of Orange, yellow and white

Kingston Town

Kingston Upon Thames was probably my favorite place in the whole of England. I would often go there on my day off work, and relax next to the river. The great thing about it is there is always an awesome vibe. I was Lucky enough to catch a Picture of Kinston through the seasons, guess it just shows how often I was actually there.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The City Of London

There Is just something about London that is so amazing, even though its streets are constantly busy and most of the time it is drowning in a cloud of smog. If you find yourself able to see past all the hustle and Bustle, you will find yourself in the middle of a cutural Gold mine.Here I have Photos Of Tower Bridge, The Bridge that replaced London Bridge when It burnt down, aswell as a photo of the " mini London Eye" and the Winter wonderland in Hyde park, A fun fair that comes along to London ever Christmas season, one more thing that makes you love the place!